Why Strategic Lifestyle and . . .
Whatever Happened to Blazing Star Network?

From Blazing Star Network . . .
You may have seen the name, “Blazing Star Network,” associated with me. Indeed, that is the name under which I did my work for a number of years.
Blazing Star signaled the potential of newness and reinvigoration – the fire that blazes again; the perennial that blooms when spring returns. There I focused on helping people deal with stress and overwhelm.
However, as time went by and the way in which I support people crystalized, it was time for an expanded focus. Enter Strategic Lifestyle Connection.
To Strategic Lifestyle Connection
Strategic Lifestyle is about supporting, guiding, and encouraging you during complex changes. We want you to have clarity and maintain your connections with God, others, and yourself.
More specifically, Strategic Lifestyle Connections recognizes that Higher education leaders and executives, business leaders, and senior
pastors deal with complex situations and ongoing changes. They face
significant pressure and responsibility. When personal life changes are
added to this mix, you encounter a perfect storm.
This is why at Strategic Lifestyle Connection, I provide leaders with clarity amid life changes so that they experience confidence, hope, and love while staying connected with God, others, and yourself
Getting support or help during a time of transition is a sign of wisdom and strength, not weakness. There are times when you are too close to what is happening to have the insight you need to navigate the changes in your life.