Media – Interviews/Presentations
As you look and listen, you will notice that much of the media references “Blazing Star Network.” Click here to learn about the change from Blazing Start Network to Strategic Lifestyle.
An interview conducted by Angel Charmaine, CEO of Speak up Sis. The title of the episode is, “BE STILL: Busy Doesn’t Mean Productive.” We talked about:
- My life journey and life lessons.
- Busyness vs productivity and the importance of being still to hear God and get perspective.
- The connection between renewal and being still.
- The love that stems from God’s love.
- Times of rest and renewal.
- How you can avoid losing sight of who God is, who we are, and what we are called to do.
Click here to watch it.
An interview with Valeria Teles on her A Quest for Well-Being Podcast. “Knowing your purpose is important. When you understand it and are living true to it, you have clarity, confidence, and avoid stress as you allow it to be your guiding star.”
We also discussed:
- My journey to becoming a Christian,
- God and what keeps us from God,
- Differentiating stress and being stressed-out,
- Prayer, meditation and being still.
- Compassion and love.
Also, find out the 3 things I know for sure about life.
Click here to listen to this podcast.
An interview conducted by Rick Lee James, song writer and worship leader, on his “Voices In My Head” podcast on getting out of stress. We talked about:
- The importance of managing the stress that comes as a part of life so that we do not enter the stressed-out zone.
- How to recognize when you are in a stressed-out loop and how to get out of it.
- The importance of knowing who to manage expectations and avoid being guilt tripped.
- The difference between surrender and performance and the need to be still and know God.
- How to deal with things over which you have no control.
- Coming out of the pandemic stronger.
Click here to listen to the podcast
An interview conducted by Angel Charmaine, CEO of Speak up Sis. The title of the episode is,’What to Do When You Are Stressed Out.” In this episode we focused on my book, Help! I Want Out! What to Do When You Are Stressed-Out From Keeping It All Together. We talked about:
- Why I wrote the book.
- Why we do not ask for help and do not try to get out.
- How to support people who reach out for help.
- The difference between stress and being stressed-out.
- What your use of time tells about you and your values.
- The permission slip
Click here to watch it.
An interview conducted by Karena Calhoun of WarKry Consulting Solutions, on her “Go Be Great” podcast on the connection between faith and business.We talked about:
- How you merge business and ministry.
- My struggle with seeing what I do as a ministry vs a business.
- Why what I do is not a business.
- The importance of community.
- How to make it through the winter season of life.
- My experience of making it through the winter.
- 5 Steps to Overcome Overwhelm
- About the book, Help! I Want Out!
Click here to listen to the podcast.
An interview conducted by Vicki Baird of Vicki Baird Coaching on her “Intuition: Your First Sense” podcast on the connection between faith and business.We talked about:
- The connection between time management and knowing who you are.
- Signs that you are disconnected from yourself.
- How I connect with the intuitive part of myself.
- How to manage expectations.
- What a well balanced life that overcomes being stressed-out looks like.
- The difference between self-care and selfishness and how it connects with self-love.
- The challenge of saying,”no,” and why you must say it.
- What Vicki likes about my book, Help! I Want Out!
Click here to listen to the podcast.
An interview conducted by Jacquie Capstick on her “Healing Reel” podcast. We talked about, among other things:
- The impact of the absence of gratitude and its connection with stress.
- Be grateful for people’s good intention toward you, even when they do not get it right.
- My journey as it was impacted by grief and how I found an oasis and started as an author.
- What prayer is and its role in your life.
- The negatives of fear, including divisiveness, and how we move past it.
- What my “80-year old” self would tell me and what I would tell my 18-year old self.
Click here to view the podcast watch it.
An interview conducted by Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, of Elite Expert Insider. The title of the episode is, “Managing Your Stress.” We talked about:
- How I came to write my book, Help! I Want Out!
- The importance of understanding your purpose, call, and assignment in setting limits.
- Understanding your value.
- Knowing and remembering who we are in God and the way to do so.
- Being in right relationship with people.
- The importance of journalling for processing and clarity.
An interview conducted by Wize El Jefe of Real Wize Productions on his “Stuck in My Mind” podcast. The title of the episode is, “Getting Back in Alignment.” We
talked about:
- Why you should not be a people-pleaser.
- Playing to your strengths and allowing others to benefit from them.
- Thus, focus on your gifts and purpose to help set boundaries — you can’t be and do everything if you are seeking to be excellent.
- Manage and communicate expectations.
- At the same time, give people space to do things their way.
- The difference between boundaries and margins
- The key to greater fulfillment.