How You Can Life a Balanced Life in all Seasons

009: How You Can Live a Balanced Life in all Seasons with Jeremy Vickers | Grace UMC


Shownotes: How You Can Live a Balanced Life in all Seasons—Interview with Rev Jeremy Vickers, Lead Pastor at Grace UMC, Lees Summit, MO.

How You Can Life a Balanced Life in all Seasons When Jeremy hears the phrase, “living from God’s center,” he thinks of balance, homeostasis. You find a place of spiritual balance where you are healthy and growing in God and not focused on chasing the things of this world. It is in the midst of the Holy Spirit leading and guiding you. It is also learning how to live in the midst of the storms of life and resting in God, being open, listening to where you are being called. This is balance in all areas of life. Everything has to be in balance for us to move forward faithfully. It is a balanced life.

The Honesty Key

Jeremy Vickers has learned that ministry is a roller coaster of great highs and tragic lows. Be prepared spiritually to deal with the low. Acknowledge and know that there will be ups and downs. Do not try to push away or hide. At the same time, when you come out on the other side you need to take time out. He will take a spiritual and mental rest day.

He got there after he hit a few brick walls spiritually. Several years ago as he struggled, he read Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald. It spoke to him, to the brick wall he had hit. He realized you couldn’t just push through stuff and function healthily spiritually. He realized he had to stop and acknowledge what he had been carrying. Pastors experience compassion fatigue that they don’t talk about. He stopped and began to order his private world in a better way as he moved toward a balanced life.

The Disciplined Life—A Balanced Life

  • He became more disciplined in prayer.
  • Searching the Scriptures is important to him. Reading the Bible everyday is foundational for a healthy spiritual life. Doing that and,
  • Finding more sanctuary time away from the church, more peace.
  • Being more open an honest with his spouse re difficulties and ,
  • Being more honest and open with people in leadership, on staff.
  • Engaging in conversation with friends who are to some extent covenant group, core group people.
  • Reading. He reads a lot of books. Reading has helped him understand himself and the world better.

A lot of pastors and youth ministers burn out and Jeremy thinks it is because they are not willing to acknowledge what’s really going on.

Weekly Structure

Jeremy takes Friday off for his family. He front loads his week. He has worship on Sunday. He spends the rest of the day with the family. On Mondays he is back in and looks at the whole week and writes his sermons— his Scriptures for the sermon, sermon notes. That frees him up for the rest of the week to hear what God is leading him to say in worship.

He also starts that week reading the Bible, separate from sermon time. He separates his spiritual devotion from his sermon time. He reads the Bible every morning. He is pretty consistent with his pattern of prayer for the mornings and evening. The Lords’ Prayer⇨immediate family⇨extended family⇨conference⇨Bishop⇨DS’⇨personal pastor friends and churches in need/struggling⇨Grace church and all that is Grace church. He says the Apostle’s Creed now and then to center himself more in who we are and what we believe. His Bible time has been lots of different things.

It is important for the church to know their pastor is reading his Bible. As he goes from there, it is very interesting to see where God may be connecting the Scriptures in his personal life and where it comes up during the week in the Scriptures he is sharing from the sermon and how it all connects. He will find Saturday afternoons it all makes sense and he goes God is holy and good and righteous and this all makes sense.

In the midst of it there are opportunities to serve as mentors to pastors and different programs in the community where they are truly trying to reach out and serve others in need.

Advice to those seeking to find balance and live from God’s center

How to live a balanced lifeIf you are thinking of being a pastor, you don’t have to be perfect with everything figured out but your life needs to be moving in the right direction, that is moving closer to God. If you do not:

  1. Pray everyday,
  2. Devotionally read your Bible every day, and
  3. Have your financial life in order

you will struggle. Financial tithing is also important.

Pastors need to be able to lead people to where they have been and not where they hope to go someday.

Recommended Resources

For those in the season of struggle or searching:

For those further along in the journey of balanced living

Any books by:

In addition, there is The Circle Maker Mark Batterson

Connect with Dr Smith



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Bible Version

Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Music:A True Friend” by Josh Molen

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