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10 Essentials for Pastors

As a pastor, it can seem as if life is coming at you from all directions. You are dealing with ministry, which is multi-dimensional, and family. You are also trying to hold a space for yourself. And there is always the unexpected – someone dies, someone gets sick . . .. It never seems to end. What can you do?

There are 10 essentials to keep you from going under and living well as a pastor. Download this sheet with your cliff notes for managing your relationships, expectations, and time so that you stay connected with God, others, and yourself, while staying true to your purpose.

I have specially prepared it with you, the pastor, in mind.

Simply fill in the form below and get immediate access to your “10 Essentials for Pastors.” We will only send you what you request.

10 Essential for Pastors - Manage Your Relationships, Expectations, and Time
About Claire Annelise Smith (Dr Claire)

Claire Annelise Smith, PhD

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